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Welcome to Milwaukee's style blog. We feature Milwaukeans expressing themselves, supporting local, hand-made, eco fashions, or just looking plain hot. Share your photos with Streets. Email them to streetsmilwaukee@yahoo.com Tell us who's in the pic, what they're wearing (and where they got it) and the name of the photographer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Art vs Craft

What better place to go style watching than at Art vs Craft, Milwaukee's annual DIY craft fair?

Julie and Whitney, quite possibly Milwaukee's cutest couple. Shopping at AvC. Julie has a copy of Faythe Levine's new book Handmade Nation.

Babies like to shop local hand-made too.

Trying on some Madam Chino at Fasten Collective's booth.

Jeanette sporting local designer Molly Mckee.

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